(Sat) Global AA-A State Tournament @Cullman

  • Tournament Date
    Jun 07 2025
  • Entry Fee
    $265 - $350
  • Stature
    Global State
  • Age Groups
    6U - 12U
  • Admission

Tournament Division

Division Entry Fee Gate Fee Max Entries Teams

Event Ballparks

Venue Name Address Maps link
Falkville-South Park 1153 Culver Road, Falkville, AL, 35622 Open in Maps
Good Hope Sportsplex 17 Williams Rd, Good Hope, AL, 35057 Open in Maps
Hanceville - CW Day Park 100 Michelle Street NW, Hanceville, AL, 35077 Open in Maps
Priceville-North Park 58 N. Park Dr., Decatur, AL, 35603 Open in Maps
Vinemont Sports Complex 18293 US Highway 31, Cullman, AL, 35058 Open in Maps
Venue Name
Falkville-South Park
1153 Culver Road, Falkville, AL, 35622
Venue Name
Good Hope Sportsplex
17 Williams Rd, Good Hope, AL, 35057
Venue Name
Hanceville - CW Day Park
100 Michelle Street NW, Hanceville, AL, 35077
Venue Name
Priceville-North Park
58 N. Park Dr., Decatur, AL, 35603
Venue Name
Vinemont Sports Complex
18293 US Highway 31, Cullman, AL, 35058

Event Lodging

Note: If you don't know which venue you'll be playing at and want to book in advance, click here to find hotels that are geographically centered between all venues.

Venue Name Address Dates Details
Falkville-South Park 1153 Culver Road, Falkville, AL, 35622 Jun 7 Find Hotels
Good Hope Sportsplex 17 Williams Rd, Good Hope, AL, 35057 Jun 7 Find Hotels
Hanceville - CW Day Park 100 Michelle Street NW, Hanceville, AL, 35077 Jun 7 Find Hotels
Priceville-North Park 58 N. Park Dr., Decatur, AL, 35603 Jun 7 Find Hotels
Vinemont Sports Complex 18293 US Highway 31, Cullman, AL, 35058 Jun 7 Find Hotels
Venue Name
Falkville-South Park
1153 Culver Road, Falkville, AL, 35622
Jun 7
Venue Name
Good Hope Sportsplex
17 Williams Rd, Good Hope, AL, 35057
Jun 7
Venue Name
Hanceville - CW Day Park
100 Michelle Street NW, Hanceville, AL, 35077
Jun 7
Venue Name
Priceville-North Park
58 N. Park Dr., Decatur, AL, 35603
Jun 7
Venue Name
Vinemont Sports Complex
18293 US Highway 31, Cullman, AL, 35058
Jun 7

Event Updates

Refund Policy

Team Information: Welcome to Alabama’s #1 Baseball program! For our 20th season we want to thank you for playing and achieving your goals with us!  

5 Local spring events to qualify to play the AA/A Diamond State Tournament May 31st June 1st  in Oxford.  Three (3)  spring events qualify for the Global Open State Tournament May 31st June 1st in Cullman.

The Diamond Cup State or Global State tournament qualifies your team to play in any USSSA World Series.  The 9th annual Arrowhead AA World Series 7U-11U in Birmingham Alabama June 19th to 22nd at Gardendale and Trussville (All turf)  The 9th annual Arrowhead AA World Series 12U-13U-14U  in Oxford Alabama June 26-29th at Choccolocca Park.

Travel Request is Due every Monday via email. (please no text messages with a Travel Request). 200 texts on a Monday are impossible to read and keep up with. With emails, we have a fighting chance to read them and add the request to our notebook. If you don’t need any help, then no need for a Travel Request.

  1. Online Payment is due before Monday on www.usssa.com  Log into your manager’s menu. Look to the left, view your shopping cart to pay online before the Tournament schedule comes out.  Easy as 123.
  2. If you need help with your shopping cart please ask. Click “view schedule and make payments”   Then click add to cart.   Easy as 123.
  3. If we need to move anyone, we do so on Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning. We will contact you before we move one team.   If we move/slide 10 teams we will do so online and via email.
  4. Schedules are generally posted on Tuesday night. If not, then schedules will be posted on Wed morning.
  5. For all the Monday Morning Quarterbacks and Tuesday Tournament Shoppers that make everyone’s lives a lot harder. No need for it. Plan a schedule.
  6. Plan a schedule, stick together and achieve your goals in 2025! Finish strong at the World Series in Birmingham!
  7. Early Bird Package are Due Jan 15th they can be emailed to us or just log on your managers menu and sign up for the events you want to play. Easy as 123!
  8. Pre Season Bundle Packages are Due Feb 5th with schedules. You can pay as you go,  please contact Dee Black with any questions about entry fee money.
  9. Need Park Directions? Need a schedule? Looking for team scores? Need Hotels?  Just download the USSSA APP and follow your team.
  10. Site Directors at the Fields. Got a problem or question? Check your emails, All Site Directors cell phone #’s are emailed out to you on Friday afternoons.

Coaches Info: Arrive 60 mins early to the ball fields.

  1. Online Rosters are required in the Spring for ALL players.  Do not just make up information about the player and create a new account if you get an error message. Read our roster rules.
  2. Max of 3 Guest Players for the spring per weekend. They must be added to online roster before Friday night!   Do not wait till Friday night and expect miracles.

2. Must have copy of insurance with you in your team folder with Grade Exception Report Cards and Copies of Birth Certificates.

3. Pick up your game baseballs from the director in the tower 30 mins before your 1st game.   

4. 3 Free coaches per team, Please sign in at the gate under your team name.

5. The USSSA team trailer will be at some events. Check with Randy and Dianna for special orders!

Look us up on Facebook at Dee Black or Alabama USSSA

Twitter: Deeblacktournys or #deeblackusssa

Instagram: deeblacktournaments

Thank you & remember: “Go USSSA”

Matt Fallin 334-312-6361

Dee Black 256-710-2388 or [email protected]

Matt Hamilton 256-572-8162

Admission Refunds

If a game begins, no refund is given on admission. If a game is cancelled before it begins, the head coach of the team can collect tickets from his teams’ parents/fans to turn in for a refund. Refunds will not be issued to individuals, only the head coach.

Team Entry Fee Refunds

Regular Local Events

If a team plays 2 games, no refund.

If a team plays 1 game, 50% refund.

World Series Events

If a team plays 3 games, no refund.

If a team plays 2 games, 25% refund.

If a team plays 1 game, 50% refund.

Team Withdrawal Policy

If a team withdraws from a tournament after the schedule is finished, the full entry fee is due. If the team paid online, no refund is given. If the team has not paid online, payment is due before playing in another tournament and team must pay online for all future events. The state committee reserves the right to suspend the team from playing any events if the situation warrants additional action.  

December 14, 2024 - 07:42am


For more information in regards to this event, please contact:


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